Academics Technology — 17 November 2010
In 1994 only 17 years old Roya Beheshti represented the country of Iran in World International Mathematics Olympiad in Hong Kong. She became at second place and received the silver medal in these competitions.
Roya Beheshti Zavareh is one of Iran’s and also world’s most influential scientist, mathematician, senior researcher and holder of PH. D. in Mathematics in the field of Linear Subvarieties of Smooth Hypersurfaces from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Rational Surfaces in Fano Hypersurfaces at Washington University in St. Louis USA – Department of Mathematics.
- 1999 at age 22 – B.S. in Mathematics – Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.
- 2003 at age 26 – Ph.D. in Mathematics – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
- 2003 at age 26 – Mathematician senior researcher – Max-Planck-Institut fuer Mathematik, Germany.
- 2004 at age 27 – Postdoctoral senior researcher fellow – Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
- 2006 at age 29 – Postdoctoral mathematician senior fellow University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- 2006 at age 29 – Assistant Professor Mathematician senior fellow, Washington University in St. Louis, USA.
Astonishing, Recognitions and research area
- Fibers of generic projections of smooth varieties.
- Non-uniruledness results for the space of rational curves on hypersurfaces.
- submitted for publication pdf.
- Fibers of generic projections.
- Rational surfaces in index-one Fano hypersurfaces.
- Algebraic Geometry.
- Lines on projective hypersurfaces.
- Linear subvarieties of smooth hypersurfaces.
- Threefolds with many lines. – Algebraic geometry, Arithmetic geometry.
- Lines on Fano hypersurfaces.
- Fibers of projections and submodules of deformations.
- Fibers of generic projections of smooth varieties.
- Non-uniruledness – space of rational curves on hypersurfaces.
- Fibers of generic projections.
- Rational surfaces in index-one Fano hypersurfaces.
- Lines on projective hypersurfaces.
- Linear subvarieties of smooth hypersurfaces.
- Threefolds with many lines.

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