Elham Kashefi is one of Iran’s and also world’s most influential scientist, mathematician, senior researcher and PH. D. at the INSTITUTE FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING at University of Waterloo, Canada, Christ Church College in England and since the end of Nov. 2009 she is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow at the School of Informatics, the University of Edinburgh.
Kashefi is member of the Laboratory of Foundation of Computer Science (LFCS) and Quantum Information Scotland Network (QUISCO).
Elham Kashefi has published extensively in the field of QUANTUM COMPUTING control systems, focusing on optimal Interactive Proof Systems, Quantum Information Processing and Combinatorial Theory.
Click here to review Prof. Elham Kashefi’s publications.
- 1996 at age 20 – BSc in Mathematics – Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran.
- 1998 at age 22 – MSc in Mathematics Combinatorics Sharif University of Technology.
- 1999 at age 23 research assistant at the Formal Methods group – Imperial College of London.
- 2003 at age 27 Ph.D. – complexity analysis and semantics for quantum computing.
- 2009 at age 33 Professor – EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow at the School of Informatics.
Research areas:
- – All aspects of Quantum Information at the Physics.
- – Computer Science Interface.
- – In particular Prof. Kashefi working on the Models of Quantum Computing, Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Interactive Proof System.
- Quantum Algorithms and Query Complexity
- Interactive Proof Systems
- Mathematical Structures for Quantum Information Processing
- Measurement-based Model for Quantum Computing
- Quantum Protocols and Distributed Computation
- Combinatorial Theory
- 2009 at age 33 Professor – EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow at the School of Informatics.
- Junior Research Fellowship by Christ Church College – Highest awarded – University of Oxford.
- Postdoctoral Fellow at IQC (INSTITUTE FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING) from October 2004 until April 2006.
- EPSRC – Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council – Highest Advanced Research Fellowship
- School of Informatics – University of Edinburgh – Awarded with lecturers in March 2008.
- March 2006 until 2007 – visited scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Department of Theoretical Physics, exploring the connection between measurement-based models, adiabatic and topological quantum computing.
In 1999 she joined Imperial College of London as a research assistant at the Formal Methods group. In 2000 she joined CQC Oxford to start her Ph.D. under the supervision of Vlatko Vedral and graduated from department of computing, Imperial College of London in 2003.
Her thesis was on complexity analysis and semantics for quantum computing. She was then awarded a Junior Research Fellowship by Christ Church College, University of Oxford. Elham was a Postdoctoral Fellow at IQC from October 2004 until April 2006.
Dr. Kashefi has been awarded an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship and will join the School of Informatics – University of Edinburgh as a lecturer in March 2008.
In April 2008, based in Canada Dr. Kashefi was a Post Doctoral Fellow at the leading Institute for Quantum Computing worked on depth complexity and parallel computing. During the first year of her JRF position in Oxford, She researched on formal methods and programming languages for quantum computing.

Farzad Naimi
June 30, 2011
Bijan Mossavar Rahmani
June 26, 2011
Mohammad Ketabchi
May 25, 2011
Masoud Loghmani
May 25, 2011
Amin Zoufonoun
May 20, 2011
Roya Zamanzadeh
May 17, 2011
Mohsen Moazami
May 12, 2011
Mahmoud Bambouyani
May 11, 2011
Bahram Mahbod
May 08, 2011